For more fun, search #suspend on twitter
Just for fun, go to and enter "suspend" or #suspend in the search box to see what fun the twitterverse is having with McCain's proposal. A new "meme" has been born, thanks to Letterman.
A sampling:
- crcarleton: after seeing palin in nyc this week i'd suspend things too :)
- ProfessorTracey: Did somebody suspend Palin's brain and not tell her?
- juliehamwood: McCain, you didn't #suspend your birthday cake with George Bush when Katrina hit (expand ) Face the debate.
- poggibonsi99: McCain can suspend his campaign permanently and I wouldn't be sad at all.
- poswald: Can someone please #suspend alternate side parking so I can focus on the economy?
Technorati tags: absurdity, social media, writing: blogging: journalism, elections, politics
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