Refugees: by the numbers
(Bloggers unite to aid refugees day)
Driven from their homes by war, natural disasters, genocide, and persecution, refugees have lost more than just a place to call home. They're frequently deprived of basic human rights such as:
- the right to physical safety
- the right to food, water, and sanitation
- the right to work
- the right to own property
- the right to legal representation and access to courts
- the right to move freely outside encampments
- the right to learn the fate of family members
- the right to be reunited with family members
- the right to determine their own futures
Refugees by the numbers
- 14 million - the number of refugees worldwide. (Source)
- 24.5 million - the number of internally displaced people (IDP). (Source)
- 1 in 500 - number of refugees in world population. (Source)
- 1 in 250 - number of IDP in the world population. (Source)
- 10,000 - projected number of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children detained by U.S. authorities in 2008. (Source)
- 4,600 - number of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children detained by U.S. authorities in 2000. (Source)
- 4 million - number of IDPs in Sudan, the largest IDP population in the world.
- 14,000 - number of Sudanese refugees living in Djabal camp in the deserts of eastern Chad. (Source)
- 80 - the percentage of all refugees that are women and children. (Source)
- 2.5-3.5 million - estimated number of refugees with physical, sensory or mental disabilities. (Source)
- 2 million - the number of Iraqi refugees in neighboring countries in the five years since the U.S.-led invasion. (Source)
- 2.7 million - number of internally displaced Iraqis in the five years since the U.S.-led invasion. (Source
- 400 - number of individual reports of physical abuse by U.S. Border Patrol over the past two years from migrants in custody on the Arizona/Sonora border. (Source)
- 1951 - date of the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the key legal document defining refugee status and rights and the legal obligations of signatory states.
- 143 - number of countries which had ratified the UN Convention as of 1 March 2006. (Source)
- Sept. 11, 2001 - date after which many countries passed emergency legistlation curtailing the rights of refugees. (Source)
- 8,536,500 - number of refugees who are "warehoused" in refugee camps that have been in existence for 10 years or more. (Source)
- 280,000 - the number of people the U.S. government detained in jails and other facilities last year, more than triple the number of people in detention just nine years ago. (Source)
- Detention Watch Network
- Refugees International
- UNHCR-The UN Refugee Agency
- USCRI - US Comittee for Refugees and Immigrants
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