Yes, he did -- you did -- we did!
The homepage of at 11:30 p.m Nov. 4,
shortly before McCain conceded.
shortly before McCain conceded.

"Because of what we did on this day, in this election, change has come to America."
-President-elect Barack Obama, 12:03 a.m. 11/5/08
Watching the crowd at Grant Park online -- it's a good moment to savor and remember later, when the change comes slower than we'd like.
And it's a good moment here in my mostly African-American, mostly middle-class neighborhood: honking horns, firecrackers, joyous voices. I'm glad to be able to see it.

Urban street art, Philly.
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I know we shared some spine tingling feelings tonight Lila! I keep thinking too how the tech world brought me closer to my kindred spirit friends around the country. Texting, photos sent to my phone, twitter (although sinus issues kept me on the couch) was there for me to follow along with all of you-- the world is so different and better! :-)
I surprised myself at how moved I was last night -- by McCain and then by Obama.
Just one more thing I love about the internet -- better access to the political process. We watched in person with our 10-year-old -- and over email/twitter with a bunch of other folks. I followed Meet the Bloggers for a while on election night, and also Jillmz, who was live blogging from NPR in DC.
I agree, David -- and in particular I never expected to find McCain's speech moving. Where was that classy version of McCain keeping himself the last 8 weeks while the lying fear-mongering McCain was losing the election?
Lila, oh yes about McCain. I felt the same, sort of, about Kerry last go-round. Their handlers or them? McCain seemed to change before the campaign though. I don't mind when a candidate rethinks his positions and changes her/his mind, but I disliked where he wound up on issues. No more maverick. I'd love to be a fly on the wall as he discusses this with whomever over the next few months.
Carole, have you seen some of the revelations about the McCain campaign on
It sound like McCain's message/ intentions really got garbled.
Hi Lila,I surfed around on Newsweek but didn't find any headers that seemed to match up. I did hear about the infighting post election, some blaming of Pallin camp by a faction of the McCain camp? That seemed ridiculous in itself. But if you have any links that would be great!
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